How to Contact us at Beckley Furnace

The easiest way to get in touch with us at Beckley Furnace is usually via e-mail. To contact us via e-mail, here is a functional directory. — contact our President directly to schedule class visits or other group visits — contact our Treasurer with questions about finances and about the premises — contact our Webmaster with questions about this website, the Facebook page, etc.
When in doubt which address to contact, a message to will eventually get to the person who can best respond to your inquiry.
Via postal mail, our address is FOBF, Inc, PO Box 383, East Canaan, CT 06024
Sorry, there’s no attended telephone service at Beckley Furnace. If you wish, you can leave us a message at 860-837-0270 and someone will return your call. (By the way, cell phone coverage in the immediate Beckley Furnace area is marginally acceptable but not great.)
Beckley Furnace is staffed only during limited hours (or when you might happen to find a member of the Friends of Beckley Furnace hard at work maintaining, researching, or restoring the facility). The easiest ways to contact us are via postal mail or via e-mail.